Test Name (A)
kaka | بەروار: Thursday, 2013-09-05, 0:44 AM |بەشداری # 1 |
گروپ: Administrators
بەشداری: 15
A-type Natriuretic Peptide (ANP) 22–77 pg/mL; SI units: 22–77 ng/L . Lavender-top tube. Immediately send to lab on ice. Specimen may need to be fasting; check with lab. ■ Secreted by atrial myocardium; exerts an antihypertensive effect by increasing the renal excretion of sodium and water. ■ Secreted from the atria in response to atrial wall stretch. ■ Less useful than B-type natriuretic.
Acid-fast Bacillus Stain (AFB).
Negative for acid-fast organisms . Sputum specimen sent in a sterile collection cup. Gastric washings/aspirates, urine, cerebral spinal fluid (CSF), other body fluids, or tissue samples may also be tested. ■ Sputum samples should be induced in the early morning to obtain the best specimen. ■ Collect specimens for 3 days. ■ Tests for Mycobacterium tuberculosis, atypical mycobacteria, or other acid-fast bacteria. See Tuberculosis Culture.
Acid Phosphatase (ACP, Prostatic Acid Phosphatase, PAP)
2.6 ng/mL or 0.5 IU/L; SI units: 2.2 – 10.5 U/L . Red-top tube. ■Assess prostate cancer metastasis, treatment effectiveness. ■ Infrequently done; usual test is PSA, prostate-specific antigen. ACTH (Adrenocorticotropic Hormone) AM: 80 pg/mL; SI units: 18 pmol/L PM: 50 pg/mL; SI units: 11 pmol/L . Green-top tube. ■ Assess signs and symptoms of adrenocortical dysfunction. ■ Sample must be iced and sent to lab immediately.
ACTH Stimulation Test (Cosyntropin Stimulation Test)
7 g/dL over baseline in rapid screening test 40 g/dL over baseline in 1- or 3-day test . Green-top tube. ■ Differentiate between pituitary-induced adrenal dysfunction and adrenal insufficiency. ■ Test involves obtaining a baseline ACTH level, administering cosyntropin (a synthetic ACTH-like drug) over a prescribed period, and drawing repeat ACTH levels.
Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time (aPTT)
See Partial Thromboplastin time (PTT).
Antithrombin III (AT-III) 21–30 mg/dL; SI units: 210–300 mg/L . Blue- or red-top tube. ■ Assess patients with thromboses. ■ Patients with low levels are resistant to heparin therapy.
Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) 10–35 U/L; SI units: 0–0.58 mkat/L . Red-top tube. ■ Enzyme found in liver cells. ■ Used in diagnosis of liver, biliary, and pancreatic disease.
Albumin Adult: 3.5–5 g/dL; SI units: 35–50 g/L Child: 3.8–5.4 g/dL; SI units: 38–54 g/L . Red-top tube. ■ Main plasma protein; helps maintain osmotic pressure. Decreased albumin causes fluid shifts and resultant edema. ■ Levels decrease in renal or hepatic disease, acute infection, malnutrition, malignancy, diabetes, and many other chronic and acute conditions.
Albumin Cobalt Binding Test (ACB Test) (Ischemia-modified Albumin [IMA]) 85 U/mL . Red-top tube. ■A new cardiac marker test. The binding properties of albumin change when it comes into contact with ischemic heart tissue (ischemia-modified albumin [IMA]) making it less able to bind with cobalt. When a cobalt solution is added to the serum, cobalt binds to the normal albumin but not to IMA. More free, or unbound, cobalt indicates the presence of abnormal albumin. ■ Level rises within a few minutes of the onset of cardiac ischemia. Allows a greater window of time for therapeutic intervention as other markers only detect cardiac muscle necrosis, not ischemia. ■ Used in conjunction with ECG and troponin levels to evaluate etiology of chest pain.
Albumin/Globulin Ratio (A/G Ratio) 1 . Calculated from total protein and albumin levels. ■ Total protein – albumin globulins. Albumin ÷ globulins A/G ratio. ■ Serum protein electrophoresis has replaced the A/G ratio.
Aldosterone, Serum 7–30 ng/dL; SI units: 190–832 pmol/L (drawn in upright position) 3–16 ng/dL; SI units: 80–440 pmol/L (drawn in supine position) . Red-or green-top tube. ■ Aldosterone is a potent mineralocorticoid that regulates sodium, potassium, and water balance. ■ Used with plasma rennin levels to distinguish between primary or secondary (more common) hyperthyroidism.
Aldosterone, Urine 2–26 g/24 hr; SI units: 6–72 nmol/24 hr . 24-hr urine collection. ■ Aldosterone is a potent mineralocorticoid that regulates sodium, potassium, and water balance. ■ Used to diagnose primary or secondary hyperaldosteronism.
Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) Adult: 42–136 U/L Child: 50–230 U/L . Red-top tube. ■ Enzyme found predominately in the liver, biliary tract, and bone. ■ Useful in assessing liver and bone disease. ■ ALP isoenzymes distinguish between liver and bone disease. ALP1 is hepatic; ALP2 is from bone.
Alpha-Fetoprotein (AFP, a-Fetoprotein
Men, Nonpregnant Females: 16 ng/mL; SI Units: 16 mL Pregnant Females at 15–18 Weeks’ Gestation: 10–150 ng/mL; SI units: 10–150 mL . Red-top tube. ■ In men and nonpregnant females as a tumor marker to aid in diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma, testicular tumor, ovarian cancer. May be elevated in alcoholic cirrhosis. ■ In pregnancy to detect fetal neural tube defect, multiple pregnancy, fetal distress, fetal death.
Ammonia Adult: 15–45 g/dL; SI units: 11–35 mol/L Child: 29–70 g/dL; SI units: 29–70 mol/L . Green-top tube. ■ Ammonia forms when protein is broken down by bacteria in the intestinal tract. It is then converted to urea by the liver and excreted by the kidneys. ■ Elevated in liver failure. Elevations manifest as encephalopathy (lethargy, confusion, tremors, coma).
Amylase, Serum Adult: 60–160 Somogyi U/dL; SI units: 30–70 U/L . Red-top tube. ■ Secreted by the pancreas and elevated in pancreatic disorders. ■ Damaged or obstructed pancreatic cells cause amylase to spill into lymph ducts and the peritoneum where excess amylase is picked up by by the blood.
Anion Gap (AG) 8–16 mEq/L . Calculated from electrolyte values. ■ Anion gap equals the difference between the cations (sodium and potassium) and the anions (chloride and bicarbonate). ■ (Na K) – (Cl- HCO3 -) AG ■ Elevated AG (17 mEq/L) is associated with metabolic acidosis. ■ Decreased AG (8 mEq/L) is associated with metabolic alkalosis (see ABG section in this Tab).
Antibodies, Auto ◆ Anticentomere antibody ◆ Anti-DNA antibody ◆ Antiglomerular basement membrane antibody ◆ Antimicrosomal antibody ◆ Antimitochondrial antibody ◆ Antimyocardial antibody ◆ Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA) ◆ Antinuclear antibody (ANA) ◆ Antiparietal cell antibody ◆ Antiscleroderma antibody (SCL 70) ◆ Antismooth muscle antibody ◆ Sjögren syndrome antibody (SS-A) Negative. Reference ranges and measurement units for individual tests vary as does the amount of detectable antibody that constitutes a positive result. Results may be reported as the amount of antibody detected and if the values are considered negative, positive, or equivocal. . Red-top tube. ■ Autoantibodies are proteins created by the immune system that attack the body’s own tissues or organs. ■ Autoantibodies represent a failure by the immune system to distinguish between foreign proteins and the body’s own tissues. ■ Elevated autoantibody levels are found in people with autoimmune disorders such systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). ■ Autoimmune disorders may be organ specific as in Graves’ disease, or systemic, as in vasculitis.
Antidiuretic Hormone (ADH); ADH Suppression Test ADH: 1–5 pg/mL; SI units: 1.5 ng/L ADH suppression test: 80% of waterload excreted in 5 hr; Urine osmolality ≥100 mmol/kg; Urine to serum osmolality ratio 100; Urine specific gravity 1.003. . Red-top tube, plastic. ■ ADH controls the amount of water resorbed by the kidney. ■ Inadequate ADH secretion results in diabetes insipidus (DI). ■ Excess secretion of ADH related to various cancers (lung, pancreas, urinary tract, blood) results in syndrome of inappropriate ADH (SIADH).
Antistreptolysin O/Antistreptococcal O Titer (ASO) Adult and preschool age child: 100 IU/mL Child (school age) : 200 IU/mL . Red-top tube ■ Streptolysin is an enzyme secreted by beta-hemolytic streptococci. It causes an antibody response that begins to rise 1 week after streptococcal infection and peaks in 2–3 weeks. ■ High serum ASO levels are seen with acute rheumatic fever, poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis, and collagen diseases.
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kaka | بەروار: Thursday, 2013-09-05, 0:44 AM |بەشداری # 2 |
گروپ: Administrators
بەشداری: 15
A-type Natriuretic Peptide (ANP) 22–77 pg/mL; SI units: 22–77 ng/L . Lavender-top tube. Immediately send to lab on ice. Specimen may need to be fasting; check with lab. ■ Secreted by atrial myocardium; exerts an antihypertensive effect by increasing the renal excretion of sodium and water. ■ Secreted from the atria in response to atrial wall stretch. ■ Less useful than B-type natriuretic.
Acid-fast Bacillus Stain (AFB).
Negative for acid-fast organisms . Sputum specimen sent in a sterile collection cup. Gastric washings/aspirates, urine, cerebral spinal fluid (CSF), other body fluids, or tissue samples may also be tested. ■ Sputum samples should be induced in the early morning to obtain the best specimen. ■ Collect specimens for 3 days. ■ Tests for Mycobacterium tuberculosis, atypical mycobacteria, or other acid-fast bacteria. See Tuberculosis Culture.
Acid Phosphatase (ACP, Prostatic Acid Phosphatase, PAP)
2.6 ng/mL or 0.5 IU/L; SI units: 2.2 – 10.5 U/L . Red-top tube. ■Assess prostate cancer metastasis, treatment effectiveness. ■ Infrequently done; usual test is PSA, prostate-specific antigen. ACTH (Adrenocorticotropic Hormone) AM: 80 pg/mL; SI units: 18 pmol/L PM: 50 pg/mL; SI units: 11 pmol/L . Green-top tube. ■ Assess signs and symptoms of adrenocortical dysfunction. ■ Sample must be iced and sent to lab immediately.
ACTH Stimulation Test (Cosyntropin Stimulation Test)
7 g/dL over baseline in rapid screening test 40 g/dL over baseline in 1- or 3-day test . Green-top tube. ■ Differentiate between pituitary-induced adrenal dysfunction and adrenal insufficiency. ■ Test involves obtaining a baseline ACTH level, administering cosyntropin (a synthetic ACTH-like drug) over a prescribed period, and drawing repeat ACTH levels.
Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time (aPTT)
See Partial Thromboplastin time (PTT).
Antithrombin III (AT-III) 21–30 mg/dL; SI units: 210–300 mg/L . Blue- or red-top tube. ■ Assess patients with thromboses. ■ Patients with low levels are resistant to heparin therapy.
Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) 10–35 U/L; SI units: 0–0.58 mkat/L . Red-top tube. ■ Enzyme found in liver cells. ■ Used in diagnosis of liver, biliary, and pancreatic disease.
Albumin Adult: 3.5–5 g/dL; SI units: 35–50 g/L Child: 3.8–5.4 g/dL; SI units: 38–54 g/L . Red-top tube. ■ Main plasma protein; helps maintain osmotic pressure. Decreased albumin causes fluid shifts and resultant edema. ■ Levels decrease in renal or hepatic disease, acute infection, malnutrition, malignancy, diabetes, and many other chronic and acute conditions.
Albumin Cobalt Binding Test (ACB Test) (Ischemia-modified Albumin [IMA]) 85 U/mL . Red-top tube. ■A new cardiac marker test. The binding properties of albumin change when it comes into contact with ischemic heart tissue (ischemia-modified albumin [IMA]) making it less able to bind with cobalt. When a cobalt solution is added to the serum, cobalt binds to the normal albumin but not to IMA. More free, or unbound, cobalt indicates the presence of abnormal albumin. ■ Level rises within a few minutes of the onset of cardiac ischemia. Allows a greater window of time for therapeutic intervention as other markers only detect cardiac muscle necrosis, not ischemia. ■ Used in conjunction with ECG and troponin levels to evaluate etiology of chest pain.
Albumin/Globulin Ratio (A/G Ratio) 1 . Calculated from total protein and albumin levels. ■ Total protein – albumin globulins. Albumin ÷ globulins A/G ratio. ■ Serum protein electrophoresis has replaced the A/G ratio.
Aldosterone, Serum 7–30 ng/dL; SI units: 190–832 pmol/L (drawn in upright position) 3–16 ng/dL; SI units: 80–440 pmol/L (drawn in supine position) . Red-or green-top tube. ■ Aldosterone is a potent mineralocorticoid that regulates sodium, potassium, and water balance. ■ Used with plasma rennin levels to distinguish between primary or secondary (more common) hyperthyroidism.
Aldosterone, Urine 2–26 g/24 hr; SI units: 6–72 nmol/24 hr . 24-hr urine collection. ■ Aldosterone is a potent mineralocorticoid that regulates sodium, potassium, and water balance. ■ Used to diagnose primary or secondary hyperaldosteronism.
Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) Adult: 42–136 U/L Child: 50–230 U/L . Red-top tube. ■ Enzyme found predominately in the liver, biliary tract, and bone. ■ Useful in assessing liver and bone disease. ■ ALP isoenzymes distinguish between liver and bone disease. ALP1 is hepatic; ALP2 is from bone.
Alpha-Fetoprotein (AFP, a-Fetoprotein
Men, Nonpregnant Females: 16 ng/mL; SI Units: 16 mL Pregnant Females at 15–18 Weeks’ Gestation: 10–150 ng/mL; SI units: 10–150 mL . Red-top tube. ■ In men and nonpregnant females as a tumor marker to aid in diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma, testicular tumor, ovarian cancer. May be elevated in alcoholic cirrhosis. ■ In pregnancy to detect fetal neural tube defect, multiple pregnancy, fetal distress, fetal death.
Ammonia Adult: 15–45 g/dL; SI units: 11–35 mol/L Child: 29–70 g/dL; SI units: 29–70 mol/L . Green-top tube. ■ Ammonia forms when protein is broken down by bacteria in the intestinal tract. It is then converted to urea by the liver and excreted by the kidneys. ■ Elevated in liver failure. Elevations manifest as encephalopathy (lethargy, confusion, tremors, coma).
Amylase, Serum Adult: 60–160 Somogyi U/dL; SI units: 30–70 U/L . Red-top tube. ■ Secreted by the pancreas and elevated in pancreatic disorders. ■ Damaged or obstructed pancreatic cells cause amylase to spill into lymph ducts and the peritoneum where excess amylase is picked up by by the blood.
Anion Gap (AG) 8–16 mEq/L . Calculated from electrolyte values. ■ Anion gap equals the difference between the cations (sodium and potassium) and the anions (chloride and bicarbonate). ■ (Na K) – (Cl- HCO3 -) AG ■ Elevated AG (17 mEq/L) is associated with metabolic acidosis. ■ Decreased AG (8 mEq/L) is associated with metabolic alkalosis (see ABG section in this Tab).
Antibodies, Auto ◆ Anticentomere antibody ◆ Anti-DNA antibody ◆ Antiglomerular basement membrane antibody ◆ Antimicrosomal antibody ◆ Antimitochondrial antibody ◆ Antimyocardial antibody ◆ Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA) ◆ Antinuclear antibody (ANA) ◆ Antiparietal cell antibody ◆ Antiscleroderma antibody (SCL 70) ◆ Antismooth muscle antibody ◆ Sjögren syndrome antibody (SS-A) Negative. Reference ranges and measurement units for individual tests vary as does the amount of detectable antibody that constitutes a positive result. Results may be reported as the amount of antibody detected and if the values are considered negative, positive, or equivocal. . Red-top tube. ■ Autoantibodies are proteins created by the immune system that attack the body’s own tissues or organs. ■ Autoantibodies represent a failure by the immune system to distinguish between foreign proteins and the body’s own tissues. ■ Elevated autoantibody levels are found in people with autoimmune disorders such systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). ■ Autoimmune disorders may be organ specific as in Graves’ disease, or systemic, as in vasculitis.
Antidiuretic Hormone (ADH); ADH Suppression Test ADH: 1–5 pg/mL; SI units: 1.5 ng/L ADH suppression test: 80% of waterload excreted in 5 hr; Urine osmolality ≥100 mmol/kg; Urine to serum osmolality ratio 100; Urine specific gravity 1.003. . Red-top tube, plastic. ■ ADH controls the amount of water resorbed by the kidney. ■ Inadequate ADH secretion results in diabetes insipidus (DI). ■ Excess secretion of ADH related to various cancers (lung, pancreas, urinary tract, blood) results in syndrome of inappropriate ADH (SIADH).
Antistreptolysin O/Antistreptococcal O Titer (ASO) Adult and preschool age child: 100 IU/mL Child (school age) : 200 IU/mL . Red-top tube ■ Streptolysin is an enzyme secreted by beta-hemolytic streptococci. It causes an antibody response that begins to rise 1 week after streptococcal infection and peaks in 2–3 weeks. ■ High serum ASO levels are seen with acute rheumatic fever, poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis, and collagen diseases.
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